Alphabay Link – Alphabay Market

Some platforms choose to prioritize security, like Versus, some emphasize contribution from the community, such as ToRReZ, while AlphaBay intends to rely on both. DeSnake told WIRED that his former partner Alexandre Cazes often overruled his suggestions about AlphaBay’s security system as excessive and unnecessary. Now everyone knows how it turned out for poor Alexandre.

alphabay link

DeSnake repeatedly pointed to their vouches from Dread and old PGP key pasted to Ghostbin, paste site. The authorities were not the only ones to identify and/or attempt to uncover the key players at AlphaBay Market. In the spring of 2017, the Alpha Organization paid an extortionist threatening to dox alpha02 and a couple of his moderators at least $45,000 USD, although the veracity of the information the extortionist had has not been verified. A word map of the most popular listings on AlphaBay over the course of the last year.

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Greenberg managed to interview an impressive number of law enforcement agents, who helped him tell the story of these high-profile investigations from the inside. While DarkOwl generally avoids engaging in or commenting on speculative darknet drama, there are several things about the re-emergence of AlphaBay and DeSnake that don’t add up. The marketplaces are usually managed by an admin or a small group of admins, and the typical users of the marketplaces are cybercriminals who search for illegal products online that will help their own illicit activities. Dutch authorities said that 10,000 foreign addresses of Hansa Market buyers had been identified and shared with Europol. Over 500 deliveries were stopped in the Netherlands alone.

On the other hand, governments should not be allowed to monitor everyone for no reason, like they do. By invading an individual’s privacy in the name of national security or whatever, governments commit a crime too. That aside, I’ve spent 30 years fighting financial card crime on the banking side in partnership with law enforcement, and this one was well played.

alphabay link

The ostensible return of AB follows the recent White House marketplace retirement announcement which stresses that another White House marketplace will not return in the future. Oftentimes, malicious entities like to create phony DNMs with the names of legendary markets in order to gain more trust from the community. White House was a monero -only accepting DNM, and screenshots indicate that the new Alphabay features monero acceptance as well. “Desnake’s posts are particularly “wordy” with extensive lengthy posts on Dread and the market’s About and FAQ section,” the report adds. Authorities said the law enforcement action was one of the largest ever taken against criminals on the dark web, part of the internet that is accessible only through certain software and typically used anonymously.

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The action permitted surveillance of criminal activities on the marketplace before it was shut down in July. AlphaBay’s servers were seized with the help of authorities in Thailand, Lithuania, Canada, Britain and France. The operation included the arrest of suspected AlphaBay founder Alexandre Cazes on 5 July, a Canadian citizen detained on behalf of the US in Thailand. Ironically, some of the services that can be bought and sold on the AlphaBay Market include spam sending services, “bank drops” , account details, and other services useful to fraudsters engaged in phishing. This attack could therefore be viewed as yet another example of fraudsters defrauding fraudsters. The phishing site used in this attack was discovered on Thursday and is still operating at the time of writing.

  • There looks to have been a significant amount of time and work put into the new features, some of which are absolutely novel.
  • Authorities said the law enforcement action was one of the largest ever taken against criminals on the dark web, part of the internet that is accessible only through certain software and typically used anonymously.
  • Be part of something bigger, something new, something beneficial to the entire DNM scene, something which comes once in a generation and makes a core change to how people buy and sell in a private, secure and anonymous way.
  • The authorities were not the only ones to identify and/or attempt to uncover the key players at AlphaBay Market.

It mimics the genuine AlphaBay Market login page, and prompts the victim to enter his username and password. A client-side check forces the victim to also complete the security code CAPTCHA field, although the phishing site does not care whether the correct value was entered. However, in the case of this phishing attack, the fraudster has simply created a lookalike domain on the public internet, using the address Between the internationally coordinated take-down, and now the tightening the noose around any method of unmonitored or any anonymized Fiat/Crypto exchanges. Basically your comment alone shows that it’s the prohibition that causes most of the issues with illicit drugs, not the substances themselves. Those are all issues that only exist because the stuff is illegal and the market is in the hands of criminals who earn fortunes thanks to the current War On Drugs.

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From other online sources it would seem that police ran the site for about 50 days. On average, 1000 orders were made per day in response to some 40,000 ads. And even more interestingly the payments made were directly sent to a government controlled wallet in the tune of $2mn . This was no small operation and definitely illegal under many jurisdictions (but, again, I don’t know of Dutch laws).

alphabay link

Another reason of vital importance of why AlphaBay is returning is how everything ended with alpha02. Arrests, indictments, prison time it is all part of the game. Killing a man without any trial and staging it as a suicide is not. Our searches for the truth have led us to believe that he was Epstein’d (or should we say Mcafee’d more recently?) in a way which shocked everyone.

In cooperation with the FBI, the Royal Thai Police took steps to organize the extradition of the 24-year old Canadian administrator back to the United States. However, after Cazes was held for exactly a week at the Narcotics Suppression Bureau in Bangkok, reports of his apparent suicide surfaced. Bangkok vowed to conduct an autopsy, while US authorities had no interest in verifying the legitimacy of the suspect’s death. So far, AlphaBay has managed to withstand DDoS attacks, criticism, and skepticism and is well positioned to be a safe haven for increasingly displaced marketplace vendors.

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However, the fraudster could easily have computed a partial match using tools such as scallion; for example, Netcraft generated the lookalike address pwoah7f5ivq74fmp.onion within minutes. DeSnake and the new-look AlphaBay will still have to work to regain trust in the criminal underworld. Another criminal forum administrator has cast doubt on DeSnake’s motives, saying they were unsure if DeSnake had been “compromised” by law enforcement. In an online posting earlier this week, someone claiming to be one of the original moderators of AlphaBay said the marketplace was coming back into business, Flashpoint researchers noted. Among the offerings on the revamped AlphaBay, according to the posting, will be the source code of a hacking tool that steals banking credentials, and money, from victims.

Furthermore, there is a ban on discussions of any public or private information related to the governments, organizations, or people of Russia, Belarus, Kazakhstan, Armenia, and Kyrgyzstan. This has led to loose speculation that there is a connection between the site operators and the governments of these nations. AlphaBay reportedly launched in September 2014, pre-launched in November 2014 and officially launched on December 22, 2014. It saw a steady growth, with 14,000 new users in the first 90 days of operation. The darknet informer website placed AlphaBay Market in the top tier of markets regarding the 6-month survival probability and it had proven to be successful. In October 2015, it was recognized as the largest online darknet market according to Dan Palumbo, research director at Digital Citizens Alliance.

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If you’ve already identified how the email came in , and what actions followed from it, then there isn’t a lot more that needs to be clarified. This isn’t a compromised email or computer, so fortunately the clean-up is easy. For your end, after pursuing all lines for recovering the money, it will be about trying to improve procedures to make sure that it won’t happen again.

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